Our Factory

  • Miyazaki Prefecture's first GMP certified factory

    GMP is the abbreviation of Good Manufacturing Practice, which ensures that all processes of products from receiving raw materials to manufacturing and shipping are produced safely and maintain a certain quality level. It is a manufacturing process control standard.

  • Miyazaki Prefecture's first comprehensive engineering certified factory

    In order to provide customers with safe, secure, high-quality health foods and supplements, we have introduced a management system based on HACCP and GMP standards and implemented it on a daily basis. In order to responsibly deliver products to customers nationwide, we ensure a high level of safety and hygiene management in every process from acceptance to product shipment

  • Quality Control

    In order to responsibly provide safe, secure and high-quality health foods and supplements to customers across the country, the R&D department is responsible for every step of the process from receiving all raw materials to product shipment. Foreign matter contamination, bacterial contamination, etc.) are analyzed, control points are established, monitored, and records are kept while confirming safety. Under a centralized management system, each employee is responsible for developing safe, secure, and high-quality health foods and supplements.

  • Why do health foods need GMP?

    Nutraceuticals (particularly tablets and capsules) are concentrated and mixed during the manufacturing process, so there are differences in the amounts of ingredients contained in the product, and there is the potential for contamination and the incorporation of harmful substances. To prevent this problem, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) was introduced. Internationally, GMP mandates and voluntary efforts are being promoted

  • KEMESU R&D Team

    The R&D department has outstanding researchers such as doctors, registered dietitians, nutritionists, food hygiene managers, JAS food manufacturing industry quality control managers, and toxic and hazardous substance processing managers. Under thorough quality control and hygiene management, we engage in research aimed at elucidating the functional mechanisms of various functional foods, ensuring the basis of their efficacy and safety, and extracting all functional ingredients. We are researching extraction technology and the latest processing technology. In addition, in order to reflect the voices of customers who actually use it in product development, we have deepened research and development work on "food" and "health" together with the Japan Biofood Manufacturing Group. We have developed hundreds of supplements. We are researching and developing new products that can meet more diverse needs in the future, and we are developing new products with higher technology and functions that only our company can achieve.